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The Physiologal Equivalent Temperature (PET) is a thermal comfort index that is based on a prognostic model of the human energy balance that computes the skin temperature, the body core temperature, the sweat rate and, as an auxiliary variable, the clothing temperature. It is generally based on the 2-node model proposed by Gagge et al. (1971) and was compiled and extended by Höppe (1984) to the Munich Energy Balance Model for Individuals (MEMI). The core model can be used both in an instationary and a stationary approach, but for PET only the stationary solution of the body parameters is used.

The PET is defined as..
..the air temperature at which, in a typical indoor setting (without wind and solar radiation), the heat budget of the human body is balanced with the same core and skin temperature as under the complex outdoor conditions to be assessed
Höppe (1999)

Despite its popularity, PET lacks a proper and comprehensive documentation. Basically, one needs to read the 2 papers Gagge et al. (1971) and Höppe (1984) -in german- plus the computer source code provided by VDI XXXX. There are a number of unlogical assumtions and errors in the original set of equations. In the ENVI-met implementation, these errors have been corrected. As a consequence, PET values claculated by ENVI-met may differ from values calculated by other programs, but we see no sense in copying wrong code or unlogical assumptions. Fundamental changes from the original are marked in the description.


  • Gagge, A., Stolwijk, J., and Nishi, Y. (1971). An effective temperature scale based on a simple model of human physiological regulatory response. ASHRAE Trans., 77(1):247–262.
  • Höppe, P. (1984). Die Energiebilanz des Menschen. In: Münchener Universitätsschriften- Fachbereich Physik, Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen Nr. 49. Meteorologisches Institut, Universität München, München.
  • Höppe, P. (1999): The physiological equivalent temperature – a universal index for the biometeorological assessment of the thermal environment. - International Journal of Biometeorology 43, 71-75.
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