AddOn Package

The AddOn Package provides an update/ extension to the old V3.1 package. It is provided for users who can, for whatever reason, not yet update to ENVI-met V4. It includes:


Download the .EXE File provided below and start the Setup process (The file is not digitally signed yet). You can install the files into any directory, but it is recommended NOT to use the recent ENVI-met V3.1 folder.

IMPORTANT: Install AddOn (as well as any other ENVI-met tool) only in a folder where you have FULL read/write access. This is normally NOT the default program folder

If you are a user of the closed Version 4 Beta test, there is no need to install this app as all items are provided with the latest preview version.

For more information about the apps included, see the Applications Homepage.

File Link Release Comments
AddOn2014 Package AddOn2014 (EXE-File, 9.5 MB) 23rd Jan 2015 Please start .EXE to setup to a folder you wish.

Release Notes: